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What did I learn from Tony Robbins?

  • I came to know about Tony Robbins in 1988, I bought his 30 days “Personal Power” cassette program by Guthy-Renker Corporation. It was a turning point for me. The amount of motivation and inspiration Tony Robbins gave me is beyond belief. There was no internet at that time,
  • I got in touch with his office and my relationship with his office manager at that time Ralph Williams. I was delighted to receive an inspiring letter from Tony with his books “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the giant within” autographed to me. I studied each and everything he teaches. I then traveled to his courses got to meet him and I accompanied many of my clients to his courses. It has a great impact in my life and down below there are 10 lessons I learned from Tony

1.Whatever results you want in life, just look for someone who has achieved those results and borrow benefits, you do not have to reinvent the wheels

2.By altering your body’s physiology, you can achieve an immediate change of your emotional state. The mind will follow whatever state your physical body is in and not vice-versa.

3.Ask specific questions of yourself (in your self-talk) to direct and control your attention to the various aspects of the human experience. The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions you ask of yourself.

4.Get leverage to create personal change by associating an old behavior with massive pain and the desired new behavior with massive pleasure. Tony is a big believer in the pain/pleasure principles of life and this applies in business as well.

5.When you get stuck, interrupt your limiting pattern by doing something totally unexpected.

6.You can condition your behavior by visualizing it over and over again. This is not exactly unique to Tony Robbins, but he does reinforce this message in all of his products.

7.Goal-setting strategy: Know your end outcome; Take massive intelligent action; Have sensory-acuity to notice if you are getting the results you desire and if not; change your approach, and change *until* you get your end outcome.

8.Create a “Compelling future” by vividly imagining your end result to generate enthusiasm and power within yourself. The past does not equal the future. Find beliefs that support your goals and desires.

9.Principles of CANI! CANI stands for Constant And Never-ending Improvement. It’s a basic tenet of Tony Robbins.

10.Problems are gifts that we should appreciate in life. It is ok to fall from the sky, (And he did fall many times), but we should never lose our drive to succeed

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How to be an effective CEO

To achieve success, executives are advised to embrace five behaviors to overcome the temptation of being a CEO.

1. Focus on results, not personal status. Real managers consider it a personal failure if their organizations fail to achieve their goals. If their companies succeed, great managers are not concerned about getting the credit. Instead, their minds move ahead toward the next objective to be accomplished. They get more personal satisfaction from achieving results.

2. Work to earn the respects of subordinates, not their affection. It is human nature to be uncomfortable with unpopularity, but it is dangerous for CEOs to disregard the fact that their colleagues are key employees that must be held accountable for their behaviors and responsibilities. They must deliver on their commitments if the company is to produce positive results.

3. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Good executives would rather take the risk on a course of action, than wait until they are certain they are correct before making a decision. They are more afraid of paralyzing the organization with indecision than losing face. They can afford to make wrong decisions because mistakes can be corrected, but they cannot afford to sacrifice the welfare of the company at the expense of looking good.

4. Tolerate – even encourage – debates among the employees. All ideas must be presented and discussed. This clears the air and leads to the establishment of goals and guidelines. From this process, the CEO gets more ideas, and the courage to commit on a decision – one that is backed by the consent of his staff.

5. Being open and trustful is not a weakness; it is the key to earning the trust and respect of the subordinates. The root of the solution to the basic problems is vulnerability. Openness, not a show of strength, is the antidote to Temptation No. 5.

6. Instilling trust gives the executives the confidence to engage in a passionate interchange of ideas. Productive conflict, instead of passive harmony, clears the air and enables the CEO to stand on a decision. Clarity of goals and responsibilities give the executive confidence to hold people accountable. Accountability leads to expected results – the CEO’s ultimate measure of long-term success.

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The Car and the Staff

I had a conversation with a Manager of a company and the topic was the role and importance of training and development nowadays. His point of view was not positive regarding training and he was telling me why I should send my staff for training. Employees are with me to work and they learn from experience especially that the training time is usually at the expense of working hours.. I asked him: “Do you have cars in your company?”.. His response was obviously: “Of Course”… I said:”Do you send them for servicing and maintenance?” He said: “Yes” so my reply was: “Why do you have to spend time, money and effort on yours?” He said to make sure they work well and to solve the problems upfront. I said that is my point. Training is a maintenance procedure where employees gain new skills, are reminded of what they know, and they break the work routine and refresh their abilities. Then he said you are right, but what if I train my employees and they leave. I said what are you going to do with your car later, is there a chance that you are going to change it? And if you are going to sell it one day or exchange it, so why should you send it for service. I think you have to make sure that as long as the car is with you it needs maintenance to give you the best results while with you Employees are like cars. Cars take to you goals and employees also take you to your goal. You need the best car and you need the employees to be at their best. He smiled said when is your next maintenance session. I smiled back and told him for or for your staff. With a laugh he said: “For both of us”

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Top Ten Tips for Customer Service.

  • Be Your Customer
    Live the life of your customer and experience what they do. Stand in line, call your call-center, soak up feedback.
  • Give Memorable Service
    Make the life’s mission of everyone (yes, everyone!) to be customer-focused – even those seemingly out of direct line of fire.
  • Have Product Available
    Generally, you can’t sell it if you haven’t got it. Work your systems hard and focused to get product there on time.
  • Listen Hard to Complaints
    Complaints are a wonderful gift – it is feedback of the highest order. Enjoy them and learn fast.
  • Enable Your People
    Enable and encourage your people to give an immediate and generous customer response.
  • React Fast
    Make sure that you and your people work with pace and immediacy with customer issues.
  • Be Systems Focused
    Ask, ‘What would my customer think of this – would it give brilliant service?’ If not, reshape the system fast.
  • Be Curious
    Encourage everyone in your team to overhear, be nosy, ask questions and feedback information from your customers.
  • Research the Marketplace
    Do more in your own business from what you experience as a customer elsewhere. Encourage your people to do this too.
  • Have Fun
    Have fun with your customers. It builds relationships. Relationships are business.
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The secret to building an effective work team

  • The adhesive tape that binds the members of any work team is respect, and it is the main secret in creating an atmosphere of work in which each member highlights his capabilities and productivity. Team effectiveness stems from mutual respect. Nor can this respect come from people who do not respect themselves and do not respect their own capabilities
  • When every member of the team respects himself, the idea of ​​success as a team grows and the idea of ​​personal success weakens at the expense of others
  • When every team member respects himself, difference of opinion is no longer a major obstacle because team members do not seek respect for others as an obsession. Many members look for respect from others because he has no self-respect.
  • When every member of the team respects himself, he does not try to destroy others to become better than them, so he knows that he is good and respects that and considers that a difference of opinion does not spoil friendliness.
  • Self-esteem is an easy thing to gain if every member answers this question: “What distinctive abilities do I have that can earn me the respect of others?”
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Do not complain about your customers Complaints

  • Complaints handled well will lead to:
  • Building of customer advocates for the business
  • Opportunity to utilize new learning for improvement of the business processes
  • Increase in loyalty
  • Maintenance of customer base
  • Increase in profitability
  • Doing the job right first time Plus Effective complaint handling Delivers Maximum customer satisfaction & loyalty
  • Make it easy for your Customers to complain And your customers will make it easy For you to improve
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How to fail as leader?

  • Never take risks
  • Do not let your emotions show
  • Always have an excuse ready
  • Always point out team members faults
  • Avoid professional development
  • Always use the stick not the carrot
  • Always say “No”
  • Always over promise, under give
  • Do not ever listen to others
  • Think and act from “I” not “We”
  • Discriminate when it comes to dealing with Employees
  • Get Moody
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Why Excellent performers leave

  • Your employees are beginning to think twice about staying in your organization. The question is, where does this dissatisfaction originate and why does this dissatisfaction occur? Here are six frequent underlying reasons why good performers leave
  1. They see no link between their pay and their performance.
  2. They don’t perceive growth or advancement opportunities.
  3. They don’t see their work as important, or their contributions are not recognized and valued by others..
  4. They don’t get to use their natural talents.
  5. They have unclear or unrealistic expectations..
  6. They will no longer tolerate abusive managers or toxic environments. Employees often stay in an environment where they must tolerate abusive treatment or unreasonable stress. This culture is often called the “Culture of Sacrifice.”
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5 steps for defusing conflict

  • An angry co-worker confronts you. He’s red in the face and trying to pick a fight. Gain control of the situation by following these steps:
  • Respond with a positive opening statement. Example: “I understand we have a problem. I’m sure we can work it out.”
  • State the problem assertively, unemotionally and respectfully. Example: “Let me repeat what you just told me.”
  • Ask for clarification. Example: “That’s what I heard you say. Have I got it straight?”
  • Brainstorm options. Example: “How can we work this out?”
  • Clarify responsibilities and deadlines. Example: “I’ll call the customer right away, and you’ll talk to …… tomorrow.”
  • Suggestion: Don’t assume the problem’s solved just because you agreed on a solution. Arrange to meet in the near future—no more than 24 hours—to make sure the resolution sticks.
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How do you benefit from the training courses and seminars you attend?

  • Define your goals for attending this course or seminar. Why do you want to attend? What do you hope to learn? Place a  bookmark next to the topics that interest you through the course program? What are the most important questions that you want or want to ask?
  • Go to the course with an open mind and positive thinking that if you learn a new idea, it will suffice to improve your performance
  • Share with others and do not listen, as participation in exercises leads to excellent results
  • Summarize the most important points you learned during the course or seminar and try to do so within 48 hours of completing the course
  • Share what you’ve learned, as the shortest way to learn is education